Tag Archives: Inconsiderate Drivers

Let it Slow

Car on its roof in the winter conditions.

Car on its roof in the winter conditions.

So I got a job to Galgate about 4am this morning. It was -3° outside.

The back lane was pale, glittering and deadly so I kept my speed down.
Hurtling up behind me in my rear-view came another taxi. He had a car full of passengers as well. He started flashing me to hurry up.

I mean – WTF?!

The female passenger sat behind me becomes enraged so subsequently sticks her head out of the window – presumably her head instantly froze like a Birdseye cauliflower floret, due to windchill – and shouted several things at the ‘professional driver’ behind me pertaining to the poor quality of his driving. Or words to that effect.

As we coincidentally stopped at the same place in Galgate she got out of the car and continued to berate the driver. She then got back in the car (as she wanted to continue the journey to Skerton for cigs then onwards to Marsh)

Apparently the driver said to her “He can’t be a proper taxi driver going that slowly.”

So. One of us got a fare scraping the coat-tails of £30, and one of us is a fucking arsehole that is probably going to end up roof-down, with his passengers on board, in a ditch.

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