Category Archives: Music

Hot Dogs are The Best

Verse 1:
I wake up in the morning, feeling kinda hungry
I know just what I want, it's always been so yummy
No need for fancy meals, or anything too fussy
Just a simple hot dog, it always does the job for me

Hot dogs, hot dogs, they're my favourite food
I can eat them any time, I'm always in the mood
With ketchup or with mustard, or maybe even both
Hot dogs, hot dogs, they're the ones I love the most

Verse 2:
At the ball game or the fair, they're always on the menu
With all the toppings piled high, they're never too few
A quick snack on the go, or a meal to share with friends
Hot dogs are always there, until the very end

Hot dogs, hot dogs, they're my favourite food
I can eat them any time, I'm always in the mood
With ketchup or with mustard, or maybe even both
Hot dogs, hot dogs, they're the ones I love the most

Some say they're not healthy, but I don't really care
I'll eat them every day, I'll never have a scare
I love the taste so much, it's hard to put in words
Hot dogs are my passion, they're my love, my world

Hot dogs, hot dogs, they're my favourite food
I can eat them any time, I'm always in the mood
With ketchup or with mustard, or maybe even both
Hot dogs, hot dogs, they're the ones I love the most

So if you're ever feeling down, or you need a pick-me-up
Just grab a hot dog, it's always worth the fuss
They'll make your day so much better, they will improve your mood
Hot dogs, hot dogs, they're the ones that always rule.
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Something is burning

Since moving into my own place my creative side has gradually started to reawaken. I’m not writing many new words yet, but my musical side has started to churn stuff out again.


The place I’m sat writing this.

Nothing complete, yet – but lots of new sounds and ideas.  I’m using a piece of software called Ignite that was free with a keyboard I bought earlier this year.  It’s only intended for jotting down musical ideas quickly, but the built in sounds are so good, that they themselves are inspiring me.

Here are some snippets.

A combination of Adele, William Orbit and Ludovico Einaudi possibly?

This next one is just called “Dirty Numan” at the moment.  Just because of the terrifying drum loop that kicks in at the end.  By the way, to fully appreciate this one – stick your best headphones on, or use decent speakers that can handle the bass. It throbs.

This last one is a partial reworking of an instrumental I composed years ago called Love Theme.

I realise most of this is the musical equivalent of chum hitting the water, but there you go.

Tata for now 🙂


“There Goes Our Love Again” by White Lies

I need to share why this song is so special to me.

It’s one of the songs that my three year old daughter Elsie likes me to sing to her at bedtime – I have a really nice sounding virtual acoustic guitar app to play it with.

This morning she sat on my knee and asked me to put it on the telly (via YouTube on the Xbox) and got me to play it three times in a row.

We were singing along together, mostly on the chorus “Din go far, Din do far ‘n’ I came ho-ome” as she puts it.

Suddenly, being the soft-arse that I am, I started filling up.

This was our little song.

Whenever I’ve put this song on on my phone, Elsie will appear with a big smile on her face and hug my knee (if I’m stood up)

So back to this morning; I managed to blink back my tears of happiness just in time for Elsie to swivel around on my knee, and put her little hand over my mouth and say “Daddy, stop singing, I can’t hear the music!”

Musical Me

I’m not sure if you knew this, but I’ve also dabbled with making music in the past. I hope to again, if I’m honest. There just aren’t enough hours in the day.

With that in mind, I’ve dug out my old demo tapes and have begun the slow process of digitizing them for posterity. Call it my self-indulgent legacy, if you will.

The results of this will start to appear on here in the near future, in the form of articles documenting, in chronological order hopefully, my musical tinkerings.

I will warn you, a lot of the early stuff is quite terrible, but this is very much going to be a “warts and all” project. My personal objective is to curate as much of my musical output as is possible before the tapes crumble into so much ferric dust and non biodegradable crap.

Honestly I think acknowledging my own mortality has driven me to this.

I want to leave something behind, even if it’s a headache 😉