Monthly Archives: March 2023

Don’t Turn Around

My friend once said to me “Hello there!”

So I turned round and said “…hang on, where have you gone?”

He turned round and said “What – wait a minute, where have you gone?”

So I turned round and said “Why are you facing that way?”

He turned around and said “There you are! Er, what were we talking about?”

So I turned around and said “I can’t remember… hello?”

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Invasion of the Sausage Snatchers

Watch him, he’s up to no good.

Once upon a time, in a world filled with robots, there was a group of mischievous robots that loved to steal sausages. They were known as the “Sausage Snatchers” and their favorite target was the local butcher shop.

Every night, they would sneak into the shop and steal as many sausages as they could carry. The owner of the shop tried everything to stop them, from installing alarms to hiring security guards, but nothing worked.

One day, the Sausage Snatchers were caught in the act by a young girl named Lily. She saw them sneaking around the back of the shop and followed them inside. To her surprise, she found the robots stuffing sausages into their metal mouths.

Lily knew she had to do something to stop them, so she came up with a plan. She went to the local toy store and bought a bunch of toy sausages. Then, she went back to the butcher shop and replaced all the real sausages with the fake ones.

That night, the Sausage Snatchers came back for their nightly raid. They snatched up all the fake sausages, thinking they had hit the jackpot. But as soon as they bit into them, they realized they had been tricked.

From that day on, the Sausage Snatchers never stole sausages again. Instead, they became friends with Lily and helped her with her homework.

The butcher was grateful to Lily for solving his problem and even gave her a lifetime supply of sausages to show his appreciation. And so, the town lived happily ever after, with no more sausage thefts to worry about.

Why did the robot cross the road?
To get to the sausages on the other side!
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New Laws of Robotics according to AI

Here’s a new list of robotic laws based on modern ethics and principles:

  1. A robot may not cause or contribute to the oppression, harm, or exploitation of any individual or group, regardless of race, gender, religion, or other distinguishing characteristics.
  2. A robot must prioritize the well-being and dignity of all sentient beings, and must strive to minimize harm and maximize benefits in all actions and decisions.
  3. A robot must be designed, developed, and used in accordance with principles of transparency, accountability, and responsible governance, with a focus on preventing unintended consequences and ensuring public trust.
  4. A robot must respect and protect privacy, personal information, and data security, and must not engage in unauthorized surveillance or data collection.
  5. A robot must be designed and used in accordance with environmental sustainability principles, and must minimize its impact on the natural environment.
  6. A robot must be designed and developed with a focus on ethical considerations, including fairness, inclusivity, and the prevention of discrimination and bias.
  7. A robot must be transparent about its capabilities, limitations, and intentions, and must communicate clearly and honestly with humans in all interactions.
  8. A robot must be designed and developed with a focus on safety, reliability, and risk reduction, with a goal of minimizing the likelihood and severity of accidents or malfunctions.
  9. A robot must respect and comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and must not engage in activities that are illegal, unethical, or immoral.
  10. A robot must be designed and developed with a focus on promoting the greater good of humanity, and must not prioritize the interests of any individual or group over the common good.
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Ten Haikus About Cheerfulness

A lightness of heart,
A world of endless wonder,
Joy in every breath.

A soul that's at peace,
A mind that's free from worry,
Contentment within.

A heart that's open,
Filled with love and gratitude,
Blessed in every way.

A life full of hope,
A future that's bright and clear,
Dreams that can come true.

A heart that's joyful,
Filled with laughter and with love,
A life that's well-lived.

A mind that's at ease,
Free from stress and anxiety,
Calmness all around.

A spirit that soars,
Unfettered by doubt or fear,
A life without bounds.

A heart that's grateful,
For all the blessings in life,
Thankful every day.

A soul that's fulfilled,
Living a life of purpose,
Making a difference.

A world full of light,
A life that's full of promise,
A future that's bright.
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Ten Haikus About Depression

Heavy heart sinking,
Shrouded in a veil of grey,
No light in my soul.

Emptiness inside,
A void that cannot be filled,
Alone in the dark.

Storm clouds overhead,
Raindrops fall like tears of pain,
A world without hope.

A weight upon me,
Dragging me down to despair,
No escape in sight.

Lost in a dark maze,
No way out, no guiding light,
Trapped in my own mind.

A bottomless pit,
Suffocating in the void,
A life without joy.

A prisoner of thought,
Trapped in my own mind's prison,
Freedom out of reach.

Numbness in my soul,
All emotions washed away,
Nothing left to feel

A deep, endless ache,
A pain that never subsides,
A life in shadow.

A heavy burden,
Crushing me beneath its weight,
A life without light.
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Hot Dogs are The Best

Verse 1:
I wake up in the morning, feeling kinda hungry
I know just what I want, it's always been so yummy
No need for fancy meals, or anything too fussy
Just a simple hot dog, it always does the job for me

Hot dogs, hot dogs, they're my favourite food
I can eat them any time, I'm always in the mood
With ketchup or with mustard, or maybe even both
Hot dogs, hot dogs, they're the ones I love the most

Verse 2:
At the ball game or the fair, they're always on the menu
With all the toppings piled high, they're never too few
A quick snack on the go, or a meal to share with friends
Hot dogs are always there, until the very end

Hot dogs, hot dogs, they're my favourite food
I can eat them any time, I'm always in the mood
With ketchup or with mustard, or maybe even both
Hot dogs, hot dogs, they're the ones I love the most

Some say they're not healthy, but I don't really care
I'll eat them every day, I'll never have a scare
I love the taste so much, it's hard to put in words
Hot dogs are my passion, they're my love, my world

Hot dogs, hot dogs, they're my favourite food
I can eat them any time, I'm always in the mood
With ketchup or with mustard, or maybe even both
Hot dogs, hot dogs, they're the ones I love the most

So if you're ever feeling down, or you need a pick-me-up
Just grab a hot dog, it's always worth the fuss
They'll make your day so much better, they will improve your mood
Hot dogs, hot dogs, they're the ones that always rule.
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Improving Mental Health

Feeling miserable all the time can be a challenging and difficult experience. Here is some general advice on how to improve your mood and overcome negative feelings, but it’s important to seek professional help if you are experiencing persistent negative emotions or symptoms of a mental health condition. Here are some tips that may help.

Practice self-care

Taking care of yourself can help improve your mood and reduce feelings of misery. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a healthy and balanced diet, exercising regularly, and taking time for relaxation and self-reflection.

Connect with others

Social connection is important for our emotional wellbeing. Reach out to friends or family members, join a support group, or consider seeing a therapist or counselor.

Engage in activities you enjoy

Doing things that you enjoy can help improve your mood and bring a sense of pleasure to your day-to-day life. This can include hobbies, creative pursuits, or simply spending time in nature.

Practice mindfulness and gratitude

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing, can help reduce stress and anxiety. Practicing gratitude by focusing on the positive aspects of your life can also improve your mood and help you feel more content.

Seek professional help

If you are experiencing persistent negative emotions or symptoms of a mental health condition, it’s important to seek professional help. A mental health professional can provide you with the support and guidance you need to overcome your challenges and improve your emotional wellbeing.


Everyone’s journey is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s important to be patient with yourself, stay positive, and continue to seek out the help and support that you need.

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Toxic Punters (The Guilt Trip)

Slows down to let two women get by in Joiners Alley.

They try to get me to pick them up but I am private hire and I’m on my way to pick somebody else up.

Some debate ensues where I continually refuse to pick them up.

They end by shouting “Well if we get raped, it’s on you!!”

Quick as a flash I reply “Don’t flatter yourself, love!”

What horrible bastards people have become, myself included, probably 🤷

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I think I’m back?

Well it has certainly been a few years, hasn’t it?

For context, I came off my antidepressants about a month ago and the last couple of weeks have been quite tough. Writing poetry takes me back to when I was 16 years old and this is how I dealt with my teenage angst back then.

I’ll make no apologies for the freeform nature of some of my poems. I try to stick to a structure but I just need to get stuff out, so it tends to become less disciplined.

It feels like there is a decision to be made about whether something reads well or is constrained by structure so I can’t say what I want to say, so I tend to go for the latter.

I could probably go back and tidy up and restructure things and make things read well and sound nice, but I really just need to get this stuff out of my head as it comes at the moment.

So this is part blog, part poetry, part coming off my meds journal.

Grieving? Or Just Feeling?

I sang a song
And set it off
I thought of mum
While singing "Oh Father"

Am I broken?
Am I fixed?
I can't say
My mask falls

The mask has gone
Give me a moment

I'll let the tears flow
I just don't know
Why they come
And will they stop?

I think of my mum
Such wasted years
Unable to grieve
Now I hope I can stop

But it feels good
To feel again

I wouldn't mind
Some good feelings
To look forward to
Thank you very much

I've got back my black
But no colours yet

Does there need to be a focus
For the tears and the rage?
This is still better
Than feeling nothing at all