Monthly Archives: October 2022

Stay Off The Dating Apps

Frustrated person

I came to the conclusion recently that dating or more specifically online dating is one of the most contrived, artificial and unnecessarily complicated ways to find that special someone.

Person shopping

If I spot you in a supermarket I have no idea why you are there, or what you intend to purchase. If I spot you you in a butcher’s then it is almost certain that you are there to buy meat. If I spot you in a bicycle shop I can be almost certain that you are buying something with wheels that you can sit on and ride about.

This is what dating apps are. Everyone is there to meet somebody else with the intention of becoming romantically attached to them. I cannot think of anything that puts more pressure on people to succeed than this. It has a high failure rate by it’s very nature. If one fails on enough occasions they will be conditioned to always expect to fail and therefore are very unlikely to succeed or end up on a rubbish date or in a rubbish relationship.

Child and teddy bear
Best friends just hanging out together

So what is the answer? I have heard the word friendzone a lot in the past few years like it is a bad place to end up. I disagree completely. The friend zone is not the end zone it is the beginning zone and if all else fails you have made a new friend. But where do we meet these friends? They are everywhere and are just around the corner.

Frustrated Me

I am still single though, so what do I know? 😂😂