Monthly Archives: July 2021

Same Shit, Different Time

I live three floors above my lovely neighbour. I work nights. Everyone in the building knows I work nights. I like to have my bedroom window open when I sleep.

Every morning for the last three weeks, my neighbour has been doing carpentry in his garden, listening to various 90s pop, and rap, singing along in his Jimmy Savile-like voice.

“I said maybe-e-e-e-e-e-e”

I used to leave my toilet flushing until I got up, as my turds falling 60 feet inside the waste pipe would, I imagine, be quite noisy as they passed ground level at 3am. I used to wait. Now I flush.

The hammering and Jimmy Savile singing has stopped.

You Didn’t

You could have flashed me out.

It would have only taken a couple of twitches of your fingertips

You could even have indicated as you were turning into my junction
So I would have known what you were doing

But you didn't, did you?

No, you just slowed down and turned into the junction without letting me know
Making me wait for no reason but your selfishness

But it gave me time to reflect
Upon how selfish drivers are these days

The Paradox of Being

A Forest of Existence
If I'm in a forest
And there's no one else but me
Would I cease to be?

When I wrote these simple words
As I sat here on my own
Were you thoughts perhaps of me?

As you read these words I've written
As my thoughts enter your mind
Are you thinking of me now?

As your chest rises and falls
As your eyelids blink once more
And feel the gravity that holds you

How about now?

A ginger cat purrs happily
Trees sway in the summer breeze
A drop of rain falls into the rolling sea

Were you thinking of me?
I didn't think so.
An Ocean of Distraction