Monthly Archives: December 2013

“There Goes Our Love Again” by White Lies

I need to share why this song is so special to me.

It’s one of the songs that my three year old daughter Elsie likes me to sing to her at bedtime – I have a really nice sounding virtual acoustic guitar app to play it with.

This morning she sat on my knee and asked me to put it on the telly (via YouTube on the Xbox) and got me to play it three times in a row.

We were singing along together, mostly on the chorus “Din go far, Din do far ‘n’ I came ho-ome” as she puts it.

Suddenly, being the soft-arse that I am, I started filling up.

This was our little song.

Whenever I’ve put this song on on my phone, Elsie will appear with a big smile on her face and hug my knee (if I’m stood up)

So back to this morning; I managed to blink back my tears of happiness just in time for Elsie to swivel around on my knee, and put her little hand over my mouth and say “Daddy, stop singing, I can’t hear the music!”