Monthly Archives: November 2013

I Love Students

Seriously, I do. If you’ve read any of my other stuff before, you’ll have scratched your head and smiled along with my tales of how; dare I say it – numerically challenged students can be?

If someone asks me how much a £10 taxi fare divided by four is, it’s “approximately £3, isn’t it?”


Yes, they always pay £3 each and don’t question it…

I’m a taxi driver and not a teacher because I couldn’t get into university to do a teaching degree because I lacked the necessary A levels.. Yet these people – that can’t do basic division, it would appear – but have the required amount of A levels are somehow more qualified than I to be in higher education.

So, rant over. You were expecting a funny taxi story, and I apologise for keeping you waiting until now.

The taxi fare comes to £5.
Student A gives me £5.
“Thank you.” I say.
Student B tries to pass me £10.
“I’ve been paid, you’re ok.” I say.
“No, no it’s alright mate, just give us a fiver back.”

I must admit I am getting confused now. It’s like watching bees dance. I know it’s communication but I don’t understand it.

I’ve still got the folded £5 in my hand so we just swap notes and off Student B goes.