Monthly Archives: May 2013

Musical Me

I’m not sure if you knew this, but I’ve also dabbled with making music in the past. I hope to again, if I’m honest. There just aren’t enough hours in the day.

With that in mind, I’ve dug out my old demo tapes and have begun the slow process of digitizing them for posterity. Call it my self-indulgent legacy, if you will.

The results of this will start to appear on here in the near future, in the form of articles documenting, in chronological order hopefully, my musical tinkerings.

I will warn you, a lot of the early stuff is quite terrible, but this is very much going to be a “warts and all” project. My personal objective is to curate as much of my musical output as is possible before the tapes crumble into so much ferric dust and non biodegradable crap.

Honestly I think acknowledging my own mortality has driven me to this.

I want to leave something behind, even if it’s a headache 😉