Monthly Archives: April 2013

The Death of Grammar

I love apostrophe’s, me – their rely gr8.
They should of made them, buy the crate.
With heavy irony, I made this poem.
A generation of illiterate’s, we seem 2 of grown.

I do not think it’s the school system,
There’s no way that they could have completely missed them.
Instead – it’s acceptance, of one’s peers subculture,
And the death of grammar and spelling is circled overhead,
By a great big vulture!

I’m sorry to be so profound,
but I know there are more brain cells to go around,
than is implied by parts of my Facebook feed,
Remember how to write, my friends,
And your words we will look forward to read!

Copyright © Dave Price – April 18 2013

It’s not all funny.

As a father, I’d like to share how unhappy this just made me.

I just picked up a man and two kids about the same age as my two, maybe a year older. The man was obviously their dad, and completely steaming.

The elder brother strapped his younger sister in and had the money for the journey, and the keys to their house. He was the man.

I don’t know what to think.

Maybe it’s none of my business but it made me feel really sad.