Monthly Archives: September 2012

Bizarre Tips

Fare came to £2.80. He gave me a £5 note and asked for £2 change.

Then he said to me “Hang on that’s a rubbish tip, have some change, it’s only shrapnel, mind..” and pulled some coins out of his pocket and stuck them into my hand. He left the taxi then.

The “shrapnel” contained a couple of £1 coins, a couple of 50p coins etc, totalling £3.50.

Two days before, my last job was this odd South African guy that had cultivated an unusual surf dude / gangsta patoi. I couldn’t work him out. He wanted to pick some food up at McDonald’s on the way home. He asked if I wanted him to get me anything while he was in there. I didn’t want anything.

When I dropped him off he insisted on leaving me a couple of cheese burgers as a tip.

They were lovely 🙂

The Sound of Purgatory

On friday night (31 August 2012) I was parked on the taxi rank near Bentley’s in Lancaster, listening to the echoes of the Karaoke traveling outside.

From where I was sat it sounded like what purgatory probably sounds like.

Then I noticed that the singer had proudly changed the lyrics slightly to reflect his origins:

Skerton is part of Lancaster, UK.